Friday, January 29, 2010

Americans Are Too Stupid To Understand Health Care

Personally, I understood Obama Care to be an immensely unpopular redistribution of medical coverage from those who work hard and pay for medical insurance through employers and personal contributions or who have worked their entire lives and are now eligible for Medicare programs, to cover illegals, deadbeats, and now AIDS & Hepatitis ridden refugees. But apparently, I and the millions of others who feel that Obama Care is a spectacularly disastrous proposal are simply not bright enough to understand the complexities of the bill.
Obama gave the American people a collective pat on the head and cooed that he had obviously used words far too big and concepts too complex for us to understand when explaining Obama Care. Clearly, he reasoned, had we simpletons been able to understand his vision of health care reform, we would all be cheering his name and erecting statues in his honor.
In an effort to sooth our “irrational” fears, Obama attempted to break down key elements of his plan into small chunks so that we could understand. "Our approach,” he explained, “would preserve the right of Americans who have insurance to keep their doctor and their plan." Perhaps in his effort to dumb it down, he felt it unnecessarily cumbersome and confusing to mention the myriad of new taxes on insurance companies. Having a Masters Degree, perhaps I am still too thick headed to understand, but if you raise the cost of business for insurance companies, it seems common sense that they will pass these increases on to consumers, either through increased rates or reduced coverage. This will adversely affect the vast majority of working Americans. Obama was also mum on the Congressional Budget Office report stating that Democrat proposals would significantly alter Medicare, reducing coverage for millions of seniors.
While Obama’s continual tutting about the stupidity of anyone who doesn’t agree with his colossal, socialist, revamp of American society once again shows his contempt for America and Americans, his latest attempt to brand us all as a bunch of brainless, scowling, head shakers, also serves as a distraction. The bill, which is over a thousand pages long, is chalk full of unfunded mandates and intensive and intrusive access and control over your medical care (and even life). The bill includes*:
  • Medical treatment rations. If you use up the care allotted to you…you get no more, even though you pay insurance. Not so great news if you have long term medical needs through serious accident or a disease.
  • A government panel called the “Health Choices Commission” will decide to what treatment you are entitled and there is no appeal process. If the government doesn’t think that you need the treatment or that it is too cost prohibitive, you are out of luck.
  • ALL non-US citizens (illegal or not) WILL be provided free healthcare.
  • The federal government will have direct access to your bank account in order to withdrawal funds to cover treatments.
  • Taxpayers will subsidize all union and community organizer (ACORN) health plans.
  • Any individual who doesn’t have “acceptable” health care will be taxed 2.5% of their income
  • The government will determine who qualifies as a “special needs” person
The list goes on and on.
Now it’s true, I didn’t get my education at Harvard, but I think that I have a pretty firm grasp of Obama Care. There seems to be a lot of free medical care for ACORN and illegals. There also seems to be a lot of access to my bank account and personal records. And the liberals, who have made it clear from day one that they do not respect my rights under the Constitution, have taken steps to deprive me and my family of our very lives.
Any politician, Republican or Democrat that supports ANY version of this abomination must, MUST be removed. NOW! This bill, if passed, will enslave every single working American. This cannot be an issue that we simply hope our elected officials will sort out on our behalf. We must retake control. If our politicians cannot assure us that they will strike down this bill, they must be removed. If you are a member of a Tea Party or any other organization mobilizing against Obama, thank you for doing your part. If you aren’t part of an organization or you want to learn how YOU can stop Obama, please pick up a copy of the book, Rules For Republican Radicals.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Obama Once Again Puts America Second

65% of Haitians live in extreme poverty. The country has one of the highest rates of HIV/AIDS in the world. Within hours of the earthquake, armed gangs began looting, robbing, raping, and killing their own neighbours. So violent were the attacks that the military was finding getting supplies and aid to the island difficult. But quick thinking Obama came up with a solution to all of Haiti’s problems; bring them all here.
Rightly or wrongly, America has put itself into the position on “world saviour” for decades, running to the rescue of friend and foe. However, we have typically (though not always) had the good sense to help people in their own community rather than inviting the problems into our country. The earthquakes in Haiti however have provided Obama with the opportunity to achieve several goals, all of them detrimental to the American people.
After decades of banning 33 million foreign HIV carriers from entering the country, Obama quietly lifted the ban in October 2009. This was followed by Obama’s Open Boarder proposal to allow unrestricted access for Africans to enter the United States, millions of who had not been eligible to enter the country previously due to their deadly infection. Now, Obama is welcoming upwards of half a million Haitians into the country. Due to their status as refuges, they will receive housing, food, clothing, education, and medical treatment all on the tax payer dollar. And while Obama is trying to figure out how to convince the voters that death panels are a good idea because our parents and grandparents are costing too much money to keep alive, he is sweeping in a half a million new people, many of whom have highly contagious diseases, who will receive financially astronomical medical treatment.
Of course, Obama claims that these people will be only “temporary” guests. However, our history of “temporary” guests has not been a successful one. An estimated 7 million illegals cross our border every year, nearly 20,000 of those people are from terror supporting countries. We have been unable or unwilling to round them up and send them back. Obama who openly supports a borderless country has no personal interest in sending them back. Coupled with the welfare burden that this places on already hobbled States, surely there will be financial and safety implications to Americans when opening the doors to people who happily hack their neighbors to death, given the chance.
Now before anyone starts screaming racism, etc. I don’t want to bring a half a million welfare recipients from any country into the US. When hardworking Americans are being foreclosed upon, businesses are going bust, and state governments are struggling to stave off bankruptcy, we have to be practical and look at the implications of adding another half a million welfare recipients into the mix. As a Judeo-Christian country we are happy to help when tragedy befalls others. I am proud that despite our economic condition, Americans routinely donate more money per capita to charity than any other country in the world. But it makes far more sense, in both short and long term to assist the Haitian people in rebuilding their own country, not in bringing them all here and then hoping that after living off the tax dollar while we rebuild their country, they will go home.
Whether this open borders and wallets policy towards the people of Haiti is Obama’s attempt to justify his Noble Peace Prize or is simply an opportunistic step forward towards a border free America (not to mention a half a million new Obama supporters) is perhaps a matter of opinion. However, it is simply one more instance of Obama putting the needs of anyone before the needs of the American people.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Blago: Democrat Cautionary Tale

Far be it from me to ever defend Rob Blagojevich, the now disgraced and impeached ex Governor of Illinois who was allegedly caught attempting to sell the US Senate seat vacated by Barack Obama to the highest bidder. But, with nightly news covering the ever increasing rounds of votes for sale, one could find the Democrat’s attitude towards Blago disingenuous at best. It seems he was simply following standard, Democrat, operating procedure of offering his power to the bidder with the best cash and prizes.
Over the course of the past few months we have been witness to Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska (among others) selling his vote for kickbacks, payoffs and exemptions and of course the superfluous automotive Unions being promised subsidized medical coverage, all in an effort to try and pass the massively unpopular Obama Care. But these “shinning examples” of how Democrats get things done are not unique. Biden, used his political clout and the promise of future “favorable political considerations” in order to hold his vacated seats open for son, potentially robbing the voters the right to chose their own representatives in what has to be the most repugnant and blatant cases of nepotism in living memory. However, since “seat warming” is an old practice and has secured the political careers of many, including Pelosi, it is rather surprising that Blago isn’t embraced by the Dems, who certainly seem to appreciate the value of a swing vote and a Senate seat.
While their can be little doubt that back room bargaining takes place throughout politics, the brazen and public nature of the current crop of Democrats playing “lets make a deal” makes it rather tough to see the distinction between their actions and those of Blagojevich. In a political culture where Democrats failing to pay taxes equals a cushy cabinet post, mortgages are dolled out on exceptionally friendly terms, and even the most depraved behaviours are covered up and smoothed over, it seems that Blago’s main sin against the Democrat’s “pay-to-play” book wasn’t in setting a price, but rather that he had burned so many bridges in his own party that just about everyone wanted to see him hang…no matter what the reason. Disliked by his own party and ranked as the least popular Governor in the country by voters (even before corruption and fraud charges were levied), Blago had no Reid, Pelosi, or Obama to come running to his defense, smooth things over, and cover up problems.
Rod Blagojevich has become a Democrat cautionary tale. Not a warning against dishonesty, bribery, or the corruption of power, those actions have clearly become quite shameless business-as-usual. But rather, that with power and behavioural carte blanc, comes lifelong obligations to all of those Democrats who helped you on the way up political ladder and shield you from scandal. When you stop meeting those obligations, your usefulness ends, as does your protection. Some end up with a fatal case of what under Clinton was called the “Arkansas Flu.” Those who have enough skeletons in their closets or are too high profile to “get sick,” simply get fed to the Feds. Poor Blago, has he only continued to play ball, with is record he would be a shoe in as a Democratic candidate for President in 2016. That is, if there is still an America in 2016

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Referendum on Obama

Not so long ago, a snake-oil salesman would roll into town with brightly coloured wagons, charismatic speeches, and bottles of magic, cure-all tonic and convince town folk that his secret potion could cure all their assorted ailments. After collecting all their cash, the snake-oil salesman would beat a hasty retreat out of town, before the residents figured out that they had simply purchased expensive bottles of coloured oil and water or worse, some toxic bathtub concoction that caused real harm. It was a pretty lucrative business; conning the gullible and hopeful out of their money, the only real danger was accidentally hitting the same town twice or rolling into town shortly after some other snake-oil salesman had just left.
On Tuesday Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the rest of the Liberalist Snake-Oil Show found out what it’s like to hit the same town twice. The residents of Massachusetts, already raw from being scammed into financing a colossal failure of a cure-all, state wide, government mandated health care program voted against nearly four decades of tradition and rode Coakley and Co out on a rail.
Of course, the White House and liberal media pendants immediately declared that the historic win was not a referendum on the Health Care bill. It would be more accurate to say that Tuesday’s vote was not ONLY about the Health Care bill. Not to take anything away from Scott Brown who ran an impressive, groundswell campaign, and endeared himself to millions of Americans with his common sense, no-BS approach to politics, but Tuesdays vote was largely a referendum on Obama and his socialist vision for America. It’s a vision that Conservatives have never wanted and Independents and even dyed-in-the-wool Democrats are shunning in mass.
Obama, the master a snake-oil salesman himself, only a year ago could draw hundreds of thousands of the fevered believers to his “cure-all” side shows. Today, even with all the dead Democrats voting in Massachusetts, Team Obama couldn’t pull out a win. After upsets in Virginia and New Jersey, you can almost hear the woeful prayers of the God fearing Democrat politician (if there is such a thing); “Dear Lord, PLEASE do NOT let Obama campaign on my behalf.