Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Blago: Democrat Cautionary Tale

Far be it from me to ever defend Rob Blagojevich, the now disgraced and impeached ex Governor of Illinois who was allegedly caught attempting to sell the US Senate seat vacated by Barack Obama to the highest bidder. But, with nightly news covering the ever increasing rounds of votes for sale, one could find the Democrat’s attitude towards Blago disingenuous at best. It seems he was simply following standard, Democrat, operating procedure of offering his power to the bidder with the best cash and prizes.
Over the course of the past few months we have been witness to Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska (among others) selling his vote for kickbacks, payoffs and exemptions and of course the superfluous automotive Unions being promised subsidized medical coverage, all in an effort to try and pass the massively unpopular Obama Care. But these “shinning examples” of how Democrats get things done are not unique. Biden, used his political clout and the promise of future “favorable political considerations” in order to hold his vacated seats open for son, potentially robbing the voters the right to chose their own representatives in what has to be the most repugnant and blatant cases of nepotism in living memory. However, since “seat warming” is an old practice and has secured the political careers of many, including Pelosi, it is rather surprising that Blago isn’t embraced by the Dems, who certainly seem to appreciate the value of a swing vote and a Senate seat.
While their can be little doubt that back room bargaining takes place throughout politics, the brazen and public nature of the current crop of Democrats playing “lets make a deal” makes it rather tough to see the distinction between their actions and those of Blagojevich. In a political culture where Democrats failing to pay taxes equals a cushy cabinet post, mortgages are dolled out on exceptionally friendly terms, and even the most depraved behaviours are covered up and smoothed over, it seems that Blago’s main sin against the Democrat’s “pay-to-play” book wasn’t in setting a price, but rather that he had burned so many bridges in his own party that just about everyone wanted to see him hang…no matter what the reason. Disliked by his own party and ranked as the least popular Governor in the country by voters (even before corruption and fraud charges were levied), Blago had no Reid, Pelosi, or Obama to come running to his defense, smooth things over, and cover up problems.
Rod Blagojevich has become a Democrat cautionary tale. Not a warning against dishonesty, bribery, or the corruption of power, those actions have clearly become quite shameless business-as-usual. But rather, that with power and behavioural carte blanc, comes lifelong obligations to all of those Democrats who helped you on the way up political ladder and shield you from scandal. When you stop meeting those obligations, your usefulness ends, as does your protection. Some end up with a fatal case of what under Clinton was called the “Arkansas Flu.” Those who have enough skeletons in their closets or are too high profile to “get sick,” simply get fed to the Feds. Poor Blago, has he only continued to play ball, with is record he would be a shoe in as a Democratic candidate for President in 2016. That is, if there is still an America in 2016

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