Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Move Over Joe the Plumber, Meet Jack the Urologist, Bob the Realtor, Ann the Engineer…….

A urologist, in what perhaps started out as a knee jerk, tongue-in-cheek reaction to the shot-gun wedding passage of Obama Care, has become the latest to find himself in the firing line of both the liberal media and headline seeking politicians.
Dr Jack Cessell, frustrated by the sweeping changes that will significantly limit his ability to care for his patients, posted the following sign in his office:
"If you voted for Obama, seek urologic care elsewhere. Changes to your healthcare begin right now, not in four years."
Despite the fact that Cessell has not refused to care for any patients and the Florida Department of Health has publicly stated that such a sign doesn’t violate any licensing laws, Dem headline whore Rep Alan Grayson is canvassing for any constituents that will claim that they are offended by the sign so that he can file complaints against the doctor.
“Why don't they change the name of the Republican Party to the Sore Loser Party?" complained Grayson to the Orlando Sentinel, "If this is the face of the right wing in America, it's the face of cruelty.” What Grayson and his ilk continue to disregard is that the opposition to Obama Care is not a Republican vs. Democrat battle. Hatred of the plan is truly bipartisan.
Americans are angry. They are angry that an ill conceived, cobbled together mandate, filled with kickbacks and earmarks, adding billions to the deficit, while striping Medicare has been forced down their throats thanks to back door deals.
But many Democrats refuse to address the significant problems with Obama Care and instead have turned their focus to either conning the American people into believing that they are better off now that Obama has waved his pen or finding people to become the new face of hate.
And just as they did with Joe the Plumber, the liberal media have rushed to dig at the background and potential skeletons in the closet of Jack Cessell because he stood up and dared to challenge Obama’s version and vision.
But where Joe the Plumber largely stood alone, now Americans all across the country are standing up and making their displeasure heard. Hundreds of thousands of people are joining Tea Party movements and getting involved in local politics. But in ever increasing numbers, people are publicizing their anger. Groups of citizens are sponsoring billboards designed to call out hypocrisy, issue a warning to politicians, and challenge the liberal media.
People are also following Jack’s lead and stating publicly that voting has consequences. In Jack’s case, he made it clear that the choice to support Obama not only directly affects his career and his ability to treat his patients, but affects their ability to get the medical care that they have come to depend upon. I think that this will become more common as the effects of Obama’s socialist agenda are felt in small businesses.
Perhaps if more people joined Jack Cessell and made it clear how Obama’s efforts were damaging their businesses, their ability to provide services to customers, and limited their ability to support their families, some voters would be less interested in voting based on race or fantasy ideals and more interested in finding out the reality of their choices.

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