Friday, January 22, 2010

Obama Once Again Puts America Second

65% of Haitians live in extreme poverty. The country has one of the highest rates of HIV/AIDS in the world. Within hours of the earthquake, armed gangs began looting, robbing, raping, and killing their own neighbours. So violent were the attacks that the military was finding getting supplies and aid to the island difficult. But quick thinking Obama came up with a solution to all of Haiti’s problems; bring them all here.
Rightly or wrongly, America has put itself into the position on “world saviour” for decades, running to the rescue of friend and foe. However, we have typically (though not always) had the good sense to help people in their own community rather than inviting the problems into our country. The earthquakes in Haiti however have provided Obama with the opportunity to achieve several goals, all of them detrimental to the American people.
After decades of banning 33 million foreign HIV carriers from entering the country, Obama quietly lifted the ban in October 2009. This was followed by Obama’s Open Boarder proposal to allow unrestricted access for Africans to enter the United States, millions of who had not been eligible to enter the country previously due to their deadly infection. Now, Obama is welcoming upwards of half a million Haitians into the country. Due to their status as refuges, they will receive housing, food, clothing, education, and medical treatment all on the tax payer dollar. And while Obama is trying to figure out how to convince the voters that death panels are a good idea because our parents and grandparents are costing too much money to keep alive, he is sweeping in a half a million new people, many of whom have highly contagious diseases, who will receive financially astronomical medical treatment.
Of course, Obama claims that these people will be only “temporary” guests. However, our history of “temporary” guests has not been a successful one. An estimated 7 million illegals cross our border every year, nearly 20,000 of those people are from terror supporting countries. We have been unable or unwilling to round them up and send them back. Obama who openly supports a borderless country has no personal interest in sending them back. Coupled with the welfare burden that this places on already hobbled States, surely there will be financial and safety implications to Americans when opening the doors to people who happily hack their neighbors to death, given the chance.
Now before anyone starts screaming racism, etc. I don’t want to bring a half a million welfare recipients from any country into the US. When hardworking Americans are being foreclosed upon, businesses are going bust, and state governments are struggling to stave off bankruptcy, we have to be practical and look at the implications of adding another half a million welfare recipients into the mix. As a Judeo-Christian country we are happy to help when tragedy befalls others. I am proud that despite our economic condition, Americans routinely donate more money per capita to charity than any other country in the world. But it makes far more sense, in both short and long term to assist the Haitian people in rebuilding their own country, not in bringing them all here and then hoping that after living off the tax dollar while we rebuild their country, they will go home.
Whether this open borders and wallets policy towards the people of Haiti is Obama’s attempt to justify his Noble Peace Prize or is simply an opportunistic step forward towards a border free America (not to mention a half a million new Obama supporters) is perhaps a matter of opinion. However, it is simply one more instance of Obama putting the needs of anyone before the needs of the American people.

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