Not so long ago, a snake-oil salesman would roll into town with brightly coloured wagons, charismatic speeches, and bottles of magic, cure-all tonic and convince town folk that his secret potion could cure all their assorted ailments. After collecting all their cash, the snake-oil salesman would beat a hasty retreat out of town, before the residents figured out that they had simply purchased expensive bottles of coloured oil and water or worse, some toxic bathtub concoction that caused real harm. It was a pretty lucrative business; conning the gullible and hopeful out of their money, the only real danger was accidentally hitting the same town twice or rolling into town shortly after some other snake-oil salesman had just left.
On Tuesday Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the rest of the Liberalist Snake-Oil Show found out what it’s like to hit the same town twice. The residents of Massachusetts, already raw from being scammed into financing a colossal failure of a cure-all, state wide, government mandated health care program voted against nearly four decades of tradition and rode Coakley and Co out on a rail.
Of course, the White House and liberal media pendants immediately declared that the historic win was not a referendum on the Health Care bill. It would be more accurate to say that Tuesday’s vote was not ONLY about the Health Care bill. Not to take anything away from Scott Brown who ran an impressive, groundswell campaign, and endeared himself to millions of Americans with his common sense, no-BS approach to politics, but Tuesdays vote was largely a referendum on Obama and his socialist vision for America. It’s a vision that Conservatives have never wanted and Independents and even dyed-in-the-wool Democrats are shunning in mass.
Obama, the master a snake-oil salesman himself, only a year ago could draw hundreds of thousands of the fevered believers to his “cure-all” side shows. Today, even with all the dead Democrats voting in Massachusetts, Team Obama couldn’t pull out a win. After upsets in Virginia and New Jersey, you can almost hear the woeful prayers of the God fearing Democrat politician (if there is such a thing); “Dear Lord, PLEASE do NOT let Obama campaign on my behalf.
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