What oh what should we do about all those pesky illegals that sneak across the border? Washington seems confused. Lawmakers shake their head and ring their hands. Dems want to open the borders and get them voting, as long as they vote Democrat. But these positions all miss a rather inconvenient truth.
People who enter the country without permission are breaking the law.
People who enter the country without permission are breaking the law.
People who break the law are called criminals.
Illegal immigrants are CRIMINALS
The United States already has mechanisms in place to protect citizens from criminal activity and to punish those who commit crimes. There should be no question as to what we should be doing to deal with the 12 million people who sneak across the border, breaking the law.
Liberals like to point at economic hardships or lack of opportunities south of the border as a justification for people breaking the law and entering our country illegally.
Liberals like to point at economic hardships or lack of opportunities south of the border as a justification for people breaking the law and entering our country illegally.
But does that rational extend to everyone? So if I feel that my economic situation isn’t ideal, I can go knock over a liquor store or rob a bank without fear of being branded a criminal? Do I have crate blanch to break into my neighbor’s home and steal their stuff because they have it better than I do? Ridiculous.
In the real world, some people break the law. Because of this fact, businesses and private citizens protect themselves. We lock our doors. We fit our businesses, homes, and cars with alarms. We build fences and put bars on the windows. We hire police and security guards to patrol our neighborhoods. We do what we need to do to protect our property, our families, and our community from people who break the law. We take action to protect ourselves from criminals.
Do we worry that locking our doors might send a message to our neighbors that we don’t trust people? Do we worry that having a well equipped police force may make criminals feel uneasy? Do we worry that having fences may keep people out of our property? Are we worried that protecting ourselves from the realities of life make us appear unfriendly? No?
But that is Obama’s justification for not sending the National Guard to our border to get the criminal migration under control. That is Obama’s justification for refusing to authorize the building of a wall. He doesn’t want to send a message to the world that we are unfriendly or aggressive.
Great plan.
Great plan.
And just like the grocery store, bank, farm, factory, or family home that advertises that it doesn’t protect both its assets and its people, the United States has been pillaged into financial devastation and its citizens live in fear for their lives.
And just like the grocery store, bank, farm, factory, or family home that advertises that it doesn’t protect both its assets and its people, the United States has been pillaged into financial devastation and its citizens live in fear for their lives.
Immigration criminals break into our country and steal an estimated 4.3 billion dollars annually from the local, state and federal government and kill more than 25 Americans EACH DAY. But at least Iran, Sudan, and China and the rest of our world “neighbors” see us as friendly and non-aggressive.
There is an old saying; “Good fences make good neighbors.” Anyone who has ever lived in the suburbs knows that this adage is true. Without establishing boundaries, your neighbors encroach on your space, use your stuff, and generally take advantage, creating an atmosphere of animosity, anger, and mistrust. But well marked and established boundaries help insure that those on both sides of the fence behave themselves and respect each other’s providences.
As a country, we have failed to create firm boundaries and have sat by grumbling as our neighbors to the south have run amuck over our property and disrespected our rights. But they aren’t simply using our kid’s paddling pool, parking on our driveway, or hooking themselves up to our cable. These bad neighbors are robbing us into bankruptcy, destroying our property value, and injuring, even murdering us in our own homes.
The only way to regain control is to reassert our boundaries, build those fences (both actual and metaphoric), establish well defined repercussions for those who trespass, and enforce those penalties consistently.
The idea that we appear aggressive to other countries when we protect ourselves is ludicrous. No other country on the planet would tolerate what we have actively encouraged by failure to react appropriately.
Obama, by virtue of his office, is sworn to protect the citizens of this country. He is sworn to take action. Instead, he is continuing a tradition of failure. But he isn’t simply failing those of us born and raised in the United States; he is failing legal immigrants who surely suffer stigma from their perceived illegality.
Obama’s border failure is also harming the citizens of Mexico. The recent attacks of Mexicans in border towns perpetrated by Mexican drug gangs, is the direct result of our failure. Securing our borders eliminates the easy access to the US marketplace that these drug dealers enjoy. Without that easy access, there would be no reason for these gangs to take over the border towns.
No one wants to build fences or put bars on their windows. But in many areas these precautions are necessary to protect property and people. The same is true for our border with Mexico. A fence is unsightly. It is expensive to build, maintain, and man. But, at this time, it is also a necessity.
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