Monday, February 15, 2010

Executive Powers & A Socialist Agenda

Those ol Greeks were a smart bunch. Concerned that a single concentration of power would result in tyranny, they developed a system of democracy around the concept of a constitutionally mandated “separation of powers.” By dividing governmental roles between the Judicial, Legislative, and Executive branches, they insured that no one group would become too powerful. The system of government that they developed became the basis for governments great and good throughout history, including our own.
Those of you old enough to remember when Civics was taught in school will remember that the Executive Branch, headed up by a duly elected President, has two main roles. The first primary role is to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution. The second role is to faithfully execute the laws of the United States.
Each President, as he takes the Oath of Office pledges to fulfil the roles of the Executive Branch. Obama, despite flubbing the Oath, was no exception. However, over the past year it has become evident that as long as Obama was awash in the warm glow of popularity, confident that all would bow to his will, he preached transparency and biapartisian unity. As soon as the soft glow turned to a harsh spotlight, the transparency disappeared and the door on the GOP and dissenting Democrats was slammed shut.
Obama is now posed to use the powers inherent in his position in ways that they were not intended. Last week, he threatened to use his “Executive Powers” to force the Senate to approve dozens of controversial nominees. Clearly the reason that appointments must be approved by the Senate is to insure that a President doesn’t exercise a power grab by placing loyalists in positions of authority.
Then White House announced that Obama intends on using his “Executive Powers” to ram through unpopular initiatives and funnel money to discredited projects. All but dead ObamaCare, next round stimulus funds, and a jobs bill unpopular with Democrats and Republicans alike are rumoured to be top of Obama’s agenda. However, controversial energy and climate programs, already mired in scandal are also scheduled to bypass political or public scrutiny prior to implementation.
An optimist might find Obama’s plan to force his agenda as simply an overly enthusiastic and naive response to the power of his position. However, this would negate the fact that Obama dedicated his pre-political career to the study of the Constitution. Well versed in the limitations and loop-holes in the Constitution, Obama’s power grab takes on a much more sinister and frightening significance.
Isn’t it about time that Obama stops pressing his personal agenda and starts embracing the position of Constitutional champion for which he campaigned and was elected? He certainly isn’t my choice as leader of this country, but at a minimum, his job to protect and preserve the Constitution should keep this country on a relatively even keel. The checks and balances system, designed by the Greeks and emulated by the Founding Fathers is designed to protect us against the very “Presidential Bum Rush” that Obama is threatening.

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