Despite nearly 150,000 column inches of coverage on the front page of the New York Times, 4 dozen magazine interviews, and a whopping 80 televised interviews during his Presidency, Barack Obama wants MORE media coverage. After failing to fulfill campaign promises of transparency, Obama has replaced his pledge of open, bipartisan dialog with what has amounted to an almost endless Infomercial. In the latest slap to bipartisan co-operation, the White House shut down hope of a televised question and answer forum with Republican lawmakers.
Bill Burton, a White House Deputy Press Secretary was quick to assure both liberal and Conservative political pundits and consultants who had been pushing for televised debates in the style of "Question Time," that refusal wasn't a matter of avoiding televised debate, explaining "The President is going to look for more opportunities to do things on camera and have open discussions on important issues." Of course, the unscripted and teleprompter free vision of debate will never occur and any "open discussions" are only with Democrat "fans" and moon-eyed media.
Obama's desire for more media coverage comes on the heals of his advice to Democrats in the Senate, "turn off your CNN, turn off you FOX..." Thankfully California's Barbara Boxer shouted out "and MSNBC," otherwise it might appear that the President was targeting right leaning media. Sarcasm aside, history is full of leaders who directed the media, monopolized the airwaves, and vilified opposition voices. In the entire history of mankind, none of these leaders left the country in better shape than when they ascended to power and often by the time they were ousted, there was no country left at all.
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