Susan Collins, RINO pariah from Maine who vocally supports a liberal agenda, admitted to being “a little confused” at Obama’s State of the Union address. No longer feeling the necessity to pretend that he has any interest in fulfilling his campaign promises of transparency, open debates about health care, and of course true bipartisanship, Obama pledged to fight on to get his colossal, socialistic, medical revamp shoved through Congress by any means necessary.
Personally, I can’t think of a reason why anyone would be “surprised” at Obama’s failure to court bipartisanship. Since the moment that he flubbed the oath of office, Obama has made no attempt to include Republicans in any of his efforts. To be fair, Sue shouldn’t be the only one who is “a little confused.” Everyone who voted for Obama should be scratching their heads, especially concerning Obama Care.
What happened to his pledge “to do our work openly,” to have health care debates on C-Span so voters “can see who is making arguments on behalf of their constituents?” Where has he posted the health care legislation? He promised to have it posted online for at least five days before votes so that the American people (and presumably those who are supposed to be voting on our behalf) have a chance to review. Is it possible that Obama said anything that he need to say in order to get elected and….shock of shocks…didn’t actually mean any of it?
Like Nero fiddling while Rome burned, Collins continues to preach “that it is still possible for Democrats and Republicans to reach a deal on a bipartisan health care bill.” I have to wonder, where does Collins believe that common ground actually lay? Dozens of states have taken legal steps to prevent Obama Care from being thrust onto their citizens. States who can’t afford the millions in unfunded mandates and don’t want to become beacons for the illegals entitled to free care. While Obama supporters claim that there is no provision to cover illegals, the bill is worded to provide free healthcare to ALL non-citizens (no matter what their legal status) who show up for treatment.
Perhaps Collins believes that Republicans and Democrats can find common ground concerning the tax grab (2.5% of your income) if you don’t have a plan that the government supports or the health care rationing, by which a government official determines your medical needs and if you “deserve” treatment. In fact, the only thing that I can see Republicans and hopefully Democrats agreeing upon is that the entire proposal needs to be scraped.
No one is suggesting that our health care system is perfect. Between anchor babies being used to provide citizenship to hundreds of thousands of illegals, legitimately poor being forced to use emergency rooms as doctors offices, and those who are have been preyed upon by insurance companies seeking any means available to deny claims and terminate services, there does need to be some fundamental changes made. But these changes should be ones of preventing those who are not entitled from abusing the system at the expense of Americans with genuine need. These changes should be about protecting those who are vulnerable and providing people with greater care options.
I have long thought Collins was simply a typical RINO, who had two-faced her way into a position from which the GOP is loath to extract her. I am beginning to think however that she is either incompetent or a “true believer.” I’m not sure which is more dangerous.
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