Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Steele Continues To Get It Wrong

RNC member James Bopp (Indiana) proposed a resolution that would grant financial support only to candidates who support the GOP platform, at the RNC winter meeting in Hawaii last week. Shockingly, this proposal, which would cut the financial legs out from under RINO pariahs like Snow and Collins, withholding GOP financial support from those who didn’t officially support at least ten party positions, was FORCEFULLY REJECTED by Michael Steele.
The lukewarm alternative which was enacted provides MORE flexibility to the GOP powerbrokers to determine who gets money and who may be too far left to support. Of course, these are the same people who approved millions in support for Specter, Scozzafava, Collins, Snow, etc. etc. etc. If Scozzafava et al aren’t too far left for financial support; it’s hard to imagine anyone who wouldn’t get GOP funding. Instead, RNC member Bill Crocker (Texas) threw the responsibility for poor candidates back to the local and state levels urging the regional Republican Party’s to “carefully screen” the positions of candidates.
Crocker is correct; we need to be much more vigilant on a local and state level. However, Obama’s path to power and in fact much of the success of liberals recently has been down to strong party efforts to fill seats on a local level. The GOP still doesn’t embrace the entire political candidate process, instead focusing only on those to rise to the top. Unfortunately, this has created a system by which politicians can rise through the ranks, paying lip service to any Conservative platform with the knowledge that once they get to the “big show,” the GOP will reward them with cash and prizes beyond their wildest dreams, no matter how they vote.
The best way forward is a bottom up AND a top down system (as outlined in “Rules For Republican Radicals”) which monitors and weeds out those who are clearly NOT conservatives on a local and state level, but insures that there is no payoff for those duplicitous and sneaky enough to lie their way into positions of power. The GOP has made it clear that they will support anyone who runs on the Republican ticket at a national level. That has to change. Sadly, Steele had the ability to end the rise of the “wolves in Republican clothing” but rejected that notion.
The philosopher Aristotle, lecturing on the subject of politics said “Everyone thinks chiefly of his own, hardly ever of the public interest.” This is clearly as true today as it was in 350BC. Therefore, we must make it the self interest of the politician to be honest and transparent in their deeds and to serve the interests of the Republican Party. The only way to insure that the politician votes the party platform is to insure that failure to do so will equal failure to keep a Republican seat. Clearly, Michael Steele continues to think of his own position and self interest and those of his cronies rather than the future of this country and the best interest of the conservatives and Republicans he is supposed to represent.

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